Chicken Club Sandwich

I am fond of having a heavy breakfast and I love to have some proteins in my morning meal. I like chicken sandwiches, eggs and I like cheese too. So its a lot of trouble deciding what to make for breakfast as its hard to decide between the 3.

So one fine day as I was in the middle of this dilemma of what to make I recalled eating something called a "club sandwich" long long back at some bar and it struck me, that 'hey, why not make this as it has all of my 3 favorite ingredients in good proportions, it tastes amazing and is very very heavy'.
However sadly I just remember eating that amazing sandwich and not much of its ingredients :p 

So thus started my experiment test and the end result was this amazing homemade club sandwich whose recipe I am sharing with you guys so that you'll don't have to go through the whole phase of making up and remembering the ingredients from a memory of what you ate ages back. 

This sandwich is extremely delicious and is very heavy. If you have a big appetite 2 full sandwiches (4 slices of bread) will be enough to fill up one person. I have a massive appetite for proteins so I generally eat 2 :p 

The sandwich has this crazy crispiness to it (as if you are eating chips) if grilled properly, it uses fresh ingredients and is very healthy as it has a great balance of all the nutrients you need to start a healthy day. 
Proteins from the chicken and eggs, Fibers from the lettuce, vitamins from the tomatoes, carbs from the bread etc etc everything required to keep your tummy and your mummy happy. 

The picture I have attached is the experimental sandwich, it is missing the lettuce and sausages as I sadly ran out of both of them that morning :'( and I ended up putting a little less grated cheese, so please you'll do not commit the same crime!!! Stock up on the ingredients and go crazy on the cheese :p 

Rest assured its a fabulous dish to make at home and enjoy a heavy and healthy meal. 


  • For 1 sandwich / 2 slices of bread
  • 1-2 slices of chicken salami/ ham
  • 1 chicken sausage
  • 100-200 gms small pieces of raw chicken breasts
  • 1/4 tsp oregano
  • 1/4 tsp thyme
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper powder
  • Mayonnaise
  • Butter
  • Grated cheese / cheese slices
  • 1 egg
  • 1 or 2 lettuce leaves
  • 1 Tomato (slices)
  • 1 small onion (chopped)
  • 2 tbsp Milk


  • Heat a pan and add 1/2 tbsp of butter to it. Once it melts add the raw chicken breast pieces to it along with salt and a pinch of pepper and cook on a high flame for 5 mins till its cooked. 
  • Take the slices of bread and spread mayonnaise evenly on both the slices on one side.
  • Now place 3 to 4 slices of tomato on one slice of bread.
  • On top of this place the pieces of cooked chicken breasts.
  • Spread some butter on a flat skillet / pan and lightly caramelize the chopped onions. Once caramelized put them on the sandwich atop the chicken pieces. 
  • Sprinkle the oregano, thyme and pepper on this.
  • Now top this with some shredded cheese  / 1 cheese slice.
  • Cut a sausage into half asymmetrically along its length and then cut the 2 pieces in halves and place it on top of the cheese. 
  • Place a salami on top of this.
  • Now break an egg in a bowl and add 2 tbsp milk to it along with a pinch of salt and pepper and beat it lightly.
  • Cook this egg on a flat skillet to make an omlette on a low heat so that the egg remains soft and is not overcooked.
  • Take the omlette off the heat and place it on top of the other ingredients.
  • Add a lettuce leaf on top and  cover it with the other slice of bread.
  • Now microwave this sandwich for 30 secs to 1 minute depending on the power of your microwave. This step is to melt the cheese.
  • In the meantime heat a tawa/ flat pan and spread butter on it. Take the sandwich out of the microwave and place it on the tawa.
  • Let it grill on a medium flame till lightly browned and crispy and then flip it over. (remember to apply butter on the top slice of the bread while its grilling on one side)
  • Once its nice and crispy on both sides take it off the heat and cut the sandwich in half.
  • Serve while its hot.


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